Fill in the
Registration information Screen and click on CREATE.
Register your account information and choose a
NICKNAME. (Please choose a nickname that will be neither vulgar nor offensive to other players).
Enter your information, (remember to name the player who referred you here), then click
You will be sent a activation email. Please click on the link in
this email to completely activate your account. Your account must be
activated in order for you to collect any winnings.
Welcome to YES BINGO !
You have made the right choice to join YES BINGO!
Breathtaking, cutting edge software!
Win your share of thousands of pounds in chat bonuses given weekly!
Join our cheerful CM's and the friendly players in our family atmosphere chat!
Your YES BINGO nickname and password are provided in this email. Please use them to login to the newest bingo game on the Internet.
Please make a note of your nickname and password and keep them in a safe place - you'll need them to login and play YES BINGO.
In order to be able to collect your winnings you must first enable your account by clicking here:
YOUR ACTIVATION LINK WILL BE HERE If the above link doesn't work please copy the text below in your browser's address bar:
We look forward to having you as a member of the growing YES BINGO family.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to:
Good Luck and bring a friend or family member to play with you!!!
Your friends at YES BINGO
After Activating your account, return to the sign in screen and enter your
PASSWORD. Hereafter, your current NICKNAME will be displayed whenever you start the
Click LOGIN to enter YES BINGO.


to purchase the cards for the next game or Click Pass to pass the next
game. If you decide to not play this
game and click PASS, you will not be registered to play and the
card amount will not come out of your credits. See Advanced Auto Options
- 10 second wait.
You may also choose to Click

and set the Auto play options.
When you have set your Auto play options correctly the Auto Button will be green.
There are 4 ways to BUY Cards.
- manually - Click on the BUY button on EVERY Game
- Pre-Book - see prebooking
- Prebuying Packages
BINGO This button does not need any explanations; click
it to claim your bingo. The button is available for clicking only when
you are playing; if you are not taking part in the game,
the button is disabled. If AUTO Bingo is set in OPTIONS the
software will call BINGO for you.
Opens in your browser the Cashier page of the YES BINGO site. Click this button to fund your
account before playing, or to add to your credits if you have used them up while playing.
Click on CASHIER.
Select your preferred payment method. Enter any account numbers
that may be necessary and acknowledge the loss of any bonus bucks and
click ENTER.
Your funds should show up in your CREDITS within minutes.
Visa or MasterCard credit cards and debit cards with Visa or MasterCard endorsement.
Click and Buy
Pay Safe Card
If you are playing more than 3 cards, click on
Zoom to see more of your cards. Zoom is only available during game play. You may use the up and down arrows to see the rest of your
Click on
HALLS to open the HALLS Button which shows the
progress of the Bingo games in the three Halls available for play. Each
Hall has a different Bingo game running at the same
time. You may play in all three halls at the same time by
setting the Auto Play options in each hall separately. Chat is shared by
the three halls.
NOTES Shows your Account Info, your Game Info (games you have played) and Miscellaneous Info.
WINNERS Shows ALL the winners in Bingo, Slots, Keno, BlackJack, Pull Tabs, and VideoPoker.

The area in the top left corner of the playing
window displays the pattern for the current game. The bingo pattern
displays the winning combination of boxes that you need to
mark on one or more of your cards in order to have a bingo and win
the prize. Patterns change from game to game - two successive games may
or may not have the same pattern. The pattern shown
during a game is valid only for that game. YES BINGO uses two
types of patterns: static and moving.
In the static pattern, the configuration of colored boxes does
not change within a game. You must mark a winning card with exactly this
pattern. There is only one combination that works.
A moving pattern is one whose configuration changes more than
once within a single game. Marking any of the appearing configurations
qualifies a winning card. For example, if the moving
pattern is a horizontal line, you can claim bingo when you have
any of the rows, in any of the cards.
In the some halls
you may purchase cards one time and play three different
PATTERNS or games on these same cards. The two patterns that will play next are
shown beside or under the current pattern.
The screen also displays all bingo balls that are
in play in the game on the number board; that is, all the numbers drawn
so far. When a number is called, it will blink on the
number board and continue to blink until the next number is
called. Every ball, when called, appears first in the Current Ball area
and in the list of the Last Balls called.
The number board area has five rows, and each row is headed by a
letter from the word BINGO. The numbers show up in the rows as follows:
B - 1 to 15
I - 16 to 30
N - 31 to 45
G - 46 to 60
O - 61 to 75 |
The message bar appears in the Cards in Play area
only between two games. It displays the name of the last game
winner(s), the number of the winning cards for each separate
winner, and the amount of pounds that he or she has won.


The game screen also displays the current ball that has been
called. The ball shown here changes with every drawn number. The speed
of calling balls may vary among games but is always the same
within a game.
Every ball displays two things: 1) the number that is drawn and 2)
the letter that is drawn. In this example, ball N 41 displays the
number "41" and you will find that number in column "N" (the
third column in any card).
Every newly drawn ball takes the first position
and displaces the other balls one position down. When all of the
positions are taken, as a new ball is drawn the next position
is taken by the ball on the previous position, and the last ball
disappears. In the example here, five balls were drawn in the order:41 -
33 - 70 - 21 - 34. The Last Balls area is empty between
two games.
When you log in during a game, if the cards area displays the
message "Game in Progress", it means that a game is currently playing.
You may not have to wait until that game is over before
you can start playing. If the Cards area displays the message
"You May Buy Cards For This Game", you may buy cards for the game in
progress. See Auto.
Your cards for the game appear on the game screen. The cards are
shown before the game begins so that you can change them if you like
and register them for the game. All cards are generated
randomly by the server. Each player receives a number of new
cards every time they log on to YES BINGO. The cards stay the same
for all games that follow unless the player decides to
change them.
The number of cards for the game is defined by the player and
varies from 1 to 500. It is preset on the YES BINGO Options dialog
box and remains the same from game to game. You can change
the number of cards before every game or Click on BUY and add
more cards during a game.

When playing with more cards that can be displayed on a single
line, navigation arrows appear in the right end of the area. Use these
arrows to scroll up and down to see all your cards. Our
bingo card has three distinctive features: card number, numbered
cells, and border. The card number identifies the bingo card uniquely.
The card numbers help you distinguish among the cards
in play and track the progress of every individual card.
Card numbers are especially useful when you play multiple cards
in which the cards constantly change their positions. Each card has five
columns of five numbers each. The columns are headed
by the letters from the word BINGO. Every column may contain
only numbers from a limited set. The "B" column, from 1 to 15; the "I"
column, from 16 to 30; the "N" column, from 31 to 45; the
"G" column, from 46 to 60; and the "O" column, from 61 to 75.
The center most cell of the card is labeled "Free"; that is, it is given
to you and use to claim bingo; you can always use this
cell when claiming bingo.
The border of the card is an indicator of how close you are to
claiming bingo for that card. The color of the border displays the
number of balls remaining to bingo. The possible colors are
GREEN You can win bingo in three balls.
PINK You can win bingo in two balls.
YELLOW You are very close, just one more ball.
PURPLE You have bingo!.
The border becomes
PURPLE when you have bingo - all you
have to do is click the BINGO button. Remember, you must press BINGO
button to claim your prize or set Auto Bingo in Options to
click bingo for you. Clicking this button without a valid bingo
can invalidate your play.
When you press 'Zoom' button you can
switch to small cards. The small cards have the same numbers as the big
cards. The positions of the small cards are not fixed. The
closer to winning bingo one card is, the higher in the area its
representation is located.
The card that is closest to winning bingo
takes the first position on the first row; the other cards
follow. The small cards change colors in the same manner as the
borders of the big cards do.
Press'Zoom' again to display the big cards.


Allows you can edit the dauber color and the sound settings.
Click this button to select another dauber color or shape or turn some
of the sounds on or off. You may also set the max bet
precaution option here.
This check box turns on and off the background music. The music
plays simultaneously with the bingo, poker, slot, pull tabs, scratch
cards, Keno or BlackJack sounds.
This check box turns the caller on and off. To hear the numbers being called, check this box.
This option allows you to choose the desired type of caller voice (male or female).
Select this check box and you will be hear the sounds made by the side games, such as the Slots spinning.
Checking this option will insure that if you click on Max Bet,
the software will ask you if you are sure you want to bet the maximum
amount. This will give you a chance to cancel the action
if you have changed your mind and decided not to bet the maximum
amount of coins, or if you have accidentally hit the button.
DAUBER (Shape and Color)
The dauber is the picture with which cells are marked on the
cards. To change the current dauber shape, select the desired shape from
the list of the available shapes. To change the dauber
color, select the desired color.
Auto Bingo
This check box, if selected, frees you from the necessity to
closely follow the game while playing. If you have bingo for a certain
card, the program will claim it for you.
Auto Daub
This option if checked will automatically daub the numbers on
your cards. If you wish to daub your cards yourself, uncheck this
Auto Buy
Check this box to automatically keep buying cards.
Stop after _____ games
Check this box to play only a set amount of games and then Click
the up and down arrows to set the amount of games to play in the
Price - Cards

These 2 columns allow you to set number of cards you wish to
play. You may purchase cards and begin playing at any time, for some
games, if a game is in progress. Simply use the arrows to
select the number of cards you wish to purchase or key in the
number of cards you wish to play. If a game is in progress you will see
you cards immediately appear and the numbers already
called will be marked for you.
A player is able to ADD card prices that they want to play and all others will be missed.
5, 10 and 25 pence card prices and 5 cards for each is the
default. Change the number of cards or remove some card prices or ADD
for example 2 pence cards, 3 pence cards, 4 pence cards, 7 pence
cards, 12 pence cards, 50 pence cards or £1. All prices are in
pences so £1 would be entered as 100p in the first column.
Only players currently playing will be able to play the free
games. Free games cannot be set on auto. To play a FREE game, click BUY,
key in the number of cards you would like to play up to
100 and click OK.
Stop if current schedule changes
Check this box if you wish to stop playing if the current price of cards changes.
Stop if I win a Jackpot
If you want to quit playing if you should win a Jackpot, check this box.
Stop if I win a prize over ________
Check this box and use the arrows to put in the amount you want or key in the number in the window.
Stop if credits get over ________
If you want to stop playing should your credits reach a certain
amount, check this box and put the amount in the window by using the
arrows or key in the amount.
Stop if credits get under
If you want to stop playing before all your credits are gone,
check this box and put the amount in the window by using the arrows or
key in the amount.
Auto buy delay
If you would like time to think about whether to play or not,
check this button. This option, when set, gives the player some time,
when the registration time for the next game starts, to
decide whether to PLAY or PASS. During these 10 seconds, the
player may click the PASS button if for any reason (does not like
pattern, or prize or whatever) she decides not to play.
Late Buy ________ more cards if prize goes over ________
This options allows you to automatically buy a certain amount of
cards if the prize goes over a specified amount. Key in or use the
arrows to insert the number of cards and prize amount.
This option allows a player to buy more cards. If the prize for
the game becomes bigger. The player decides what is a more attractive
prize. Adding more cards increases the chances of
Click APPLY to SAVE the changes to the Auto Options and click
CANCEL to REJECT the changes. If SAVED, the current Advanced Options
will be set by default the next time the player decides to
play on Auto.
PLAYERS Displays how many players are playing in this
game. The colored area shows how many players are 3 away from bingo -
green, 2 away from bingo - pink, and 1 away from bingo -
yellow. In the example above we can see that there re 35 players
in the game of which 14 players are 3tg, 6 players are 2tg and 2
players are 1tg to bingo.
BALLS CALLED The Flag in the middle of the game displays
the number of balls that have been called. This number gets larger with
every ball called.
TOTAL CARDS Displays the number of cards you have purchased.
PREPAID Displays the amount of credits you have prepaid.
BOOKED Displays the number of games you have booked.
PURCHASED This displays how many cards you have purchased for the current game.
BONUS Displays any bonus you have won.
BUY Click on this button to buy more cards.
PASS Click on pass between games to pass and not buy cards for the next game.
CARD PRICE Is the price of each individual card for this game.
CARDS Click on this button to return to your cards from the Auto Screen without saving any changes.
AUTO Click here to turn your auto on or off and to see the Auto Options. See Auto.
SCHEDULE Clicking this button will open a page in your browser where you can also click on
CHAT SPECIALS and see the rules of the chat games. Here you will also find the Games
that you may
Aborted and Miscarried Games
Multi Player Games
If there is a malfunction of any of the games all bets and wins will become void and the original bet will be returned to the player account.
If the Bingo Server connection is dropped the game will continue after reconnecting. If the player's connection is dropped the game will continue in the player's absence, with any winnings automatically being credited to the player account upon completion of the game as normal.
Simgle Player Games
If there is a malfunction of any of the games all bets and wins will become void and the original bet will be returned to the player account.
If the Bingo Server connection is dropped the game will continue after reconnecting. If the player's connection is dropped the game will be frozen and the player can continue from the same point once they are reconnected.
SCHEDULE Click on Schedule to go to the prebook page.
BOOKINGS Clicking on this button will take you to a page where you can see any games that you have prebooked.
CALENDAR Shows you the dates that you can prebook games. Today's date is RED.
SCHEDULE The Schedule shows you the time, Games and game sessions that can be prebooked.

This Game is available for prebooking.

This Game has been successfully prebooked.
Click BOOKED to UN-book any game you have prebooked.
The Sign Post under the Pattern displays the value for both the
prize and the jackpot for the current game. The prize changes every game
unless there is a special game being played.

Prizes are calculated based on the number of cards registered
for the game; the more people playing, the larger the prizes tend to be.
The jackpot usually increases gradually with every game
until someone wins it; then the jackpot is restarted at a
minimum value. The prize and the jackpot shown here are valid only for
the current game.

The game screen displays your credits in GBP. With the
beginning of every new game, your credits are reduced by the price of
the game.
When you win a bingo, your credits are increased by the amount
you have won. If the number of your credits is smaller than the price of
an upcoming game, for instance, you have £2.50, and the
game price is £3.00, you will not be allowed to play. To add
more credits, go to the Cashier page, by clicking the Cashier button,
and follow the screen instructions to fund your account.

CHAT section of the game is provided to make your
bingo experience more enjoyable. YES BINGO has provided various
functions to make your chat experience a fun time.
You may
speak with other players in front of the chat or in private
chat, get answers to your questions from the Chat Master on duty, play
actions or spice up your chat with emoticons.
All three
Halls share one and the same chat.
You may add a profile to your account and read the profiles of
your fellow chatters.
Should you find some one offensive, you can ignore
all of what is said, easily and privately.
To enter the
Chat Room, merely click on the button marked
at the bottom left of your screen.
At the top of your chat screen you will see your YES BINGO
Nickname. Directly below that is the Room (General or Questions) and the
number of player in chat at this time.
By default, the chat window opens in the central area of the
playing window. The program allows you to resize and change the position
of the chat window, provided you are not happy with its
default location and size.
RESIZE the CHAT window, move the pointer over any edge
of the window until it changes to a double-headed arrow, and then drag
the edge of the window in or out. Drag diagonally from
any corner to resize the width and height proportionally.
To set the CHAT window location, place the pointer in the title
bar of the window, and then drag and drop the window to the desired
If you would like the chat window to remain on top of your screen at all times, click the
PUSH PIN on the top right side on the window.
Chat Line is located immediately below the chat area.
Type your message, and then press ENTER on your keyboard to send it to
the screen or click SEND. This sends whatever you have
typed to the chat screen.
The First button on the left will display a list of all the players in the currently selected room.
While viewing the
PLAYER LIST, Use the arrow buttons to locate the person whom you wish to chat with in
PRIVATE. Then click on his or her name. The name of the selected chatter
is displayed in the upper right corner of the
CHAT SCREEN border. A drop down menu appears when you click on a player's name. Click on

to speak with the player in Private. When your chat turns
you are in private with that player. You may speak to
up to 3 players in private mode at one time. To end a private
chat, click on the players name and private again or just click on
TO ALL at the top of the screen. To close the CHAT
LIST, click on the Player List button a second time.
Each player may make a personal
PROFILE. Click on

to read a player's profile. If PROFILE does not appear in
the drop down menu when you click on a players name, they have not created a profile.
To create a profile of your own, go to the
CASHIER button and click. This will open a page in your computer's browser. At the left side of the page click on the button labeled,
PROFILE. Enter the text you wish to have in your profile in
the window provided. You may also upload a picture you have stored on
your computer's hard drive. To upload a picture click
BROWSE and find the picture on your hard drive. Double click on
the picture and then click on
UPDATE PROFILE. Your picture must be
less than 300kb or it will not show up. If this
happens, reduce the size of your picture or choose another
smaller in size and repeat the process of uploading a picture.
If you encounter an offensive chatter, you have the option of ignoring him or her by using the

button. To block the
chat messages coming from a particular chatter, click his or her name on the list, and then click the
IGNORE button on the drop down list. When the

button has a
red line through it, that player is on ignore and you will see nothing that they may type to chat. To
take a player off
UNIGNORE the chatter, click on the

button again.
EMOTICON button is second from the left. Click on
this button to see a display of all the emodicon's that are available.
If you hold your cursor over each EMOTICON you will see
what emotion it expresses. To close the EMOTICON box, click on
the EMOTICON button a second time.

To use an emoticon, click on it and then hit Enter. The
EMOTICON will then be sent to the chat screen. Some emoticons are letters. These are chat abbreviations.
AFK = away from the keyboard
GN = good night
TY = thank you
AYOP = angel on your pillow
LOL = laugh out loud
YVW = you're very welcome
BBL = be back later
LTNS = long time no see
WB = welcome back
BRB = be right back
NP = no problem
WTG = way to go!
BTW = by the way
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
HB = hurry back
GMTA = great minds think alike
TTFN = ta ta for now
GL = good luck
ACTION button is 3rd from the left and displays a
list of standard messages through which you can express a certain
emotion (laughter, approval, etc.), ask for help, or just say
'hi' to the other chatters in the room. Use the arrow buttons to
select the desired action from the list of the available actions, and
then click it. The
ACTION'S name will be sent to
chat and it will be heard by all who have their sound on. To
close the ACTION list, click on the ACTION button a second time.
FONT button, fourth from the left, has a scale with two letter
A's on it. This button allows you to choose the desired font size for the messages contained in the chat area.
Each click of the button changes the font size. Continue to click until the chat
FONT is the size you desire.
The Unscroll button is the fifth from the left. Use the unscroll button to stop the chat from moving. When you see the
pen out of the ink bottle on this button, chat is stopped. To
allow chat to move again, click on the unscroll button again.
The sixth button is the
SOUND button . To
MUTE the
Chat ACTION sounds, click on this button, you will see the musical
notes by the trumpet disappear when your action sounds are
turned off. To
UNMUTE the ACTION sounds, click on this button again.
To play black jack:
• Start YES BINGO (double-click the YES BINGO icon on your desktop).
• In the Player
Log-on screen, type your nickname and password, and click
PLAY to log on. See Player Log On
• If you are running YES BINGO for the first time, See How to
• Go to BlackJack by clicking on the CHANGE GAME button at the top right of your screen. Then follow the drop down menu to BlackJack.
The main objective in BlackJack is to get a hand higher than the dealer's without going over
The game starts with every player making their opening bets. Each table has own minimum and maximum
table limit. Most online casinos have table limits from as low as
£1 up to
£100. After the player placed his bet the dealer will start
dealing the cards. He gives a player one card, face down, including
himself. This is the dealers
down card. Then he
deals a second round of cards, face down but this time the card he deals himself will be face up. This is the dealers
up card. You now can look at both of your cards and find your total
by simply adding the values of your cards.
The values of the cards in Black Jack from two to ten are at face value.
Jacks, Queens and
Kings count ten and the Ace counts eleven
or one.
The Ace always counts eleven
except if your total
exceeds 21 - then the value of the Ace is reduced to one. A hand with one Ace having the value of eleven is called a
hand and a hand with all Aces having the value of one is called a
hard hand. In Black Jack for instance, if you get an 8 and Ace dealt it would be a soft 19 while an 8, 10 and Ace
would be a hard 19. Getting a start total of 21 is called a
Black Jack
and you have to show your hand immediately. If the dealer's up card is
an Ace he checks for a dealer black jack
first and then continues the game. Exceeding a total of 21, and
already counting all the aces you have in your hand as one, means you
are bust and lose your bet. The deal must hit cards before
all 16’s (soft and hard). If the point total is 17 or more the
dealer must stand. Once the dealers hand is complete the winner is
determined by which hand is closer to 21)
Blackjack: Either the dealer or the players first two
cards total 21. In this case the hand totaling 21 automatically wins. If
the player gets Blackjack he is paid 3-2 on his bet. If
both the player and the dealer receive a blackjack it is a push.
Push: Neither the player or dealer wins. The bet remains with the player. (i.e. a Tie)
Bust: Player or dealer exceeds a point
total of 21 during the course. If player busts the dealer wins. If the
dealer busts the Player wins.
Hit - If the player is not satisfied with his current total
he can ask the dealer to hit him which means the dealer deals him
another card in addition to his two. He hits until he is
satisfied with his total, or until he busts. The player may take
as many hits as he wants in an attempt to get as close to a total of 21
as possible. If the player has not exceeded a point
total of 21 or busts, the play reverts to the dealer.
Stand - The player stands if he doesn't want any more cards.
Double - If the player
decided that he will win with one more card by doubling, the players bet
is doubled and he receives one more card. He can't
elect to take a hit after he receives this card.
Splitpairs - If a players first two cards are a
pair (two cards of the same type (i.e. two 9's)) he may elect to split
his hand. By splitting his hand he has in effect made two
hands from one. The player places a bet equal to his original bet
on the second hand and both hands are played as usual.
It is not allowed to split a pair of Aces or an already insured hand. If a player receives a blackjack with a split hand it is considered 21
and not a
BLACKJACK. A player is allowed to split only once per
Insurance - When a player believes that the dealer has
21 he may elect to buy insurance. Insurance costs half of the original bet and is paid out at
In effect, if the
dealer has a blackjack the player loses his original bet but wins
his insurance bet thus getting his money back. If the dealer does not
have blackjack the player loses his insurance bet and the
hand is played out as usual. Insurance is considered by many to be
a sucker bet, however, by counting the cards buying insurance might be a
benefit to the player.
Surrender - If a player is not satisfied with his first two cards he may elect to surrender. In effect, he gives up and gives
1/2 of his bet to the dealer. We offer a late
surrender. So the dealer previously check his closed card and if he has a
BLACKJACK surrender is not allowed.
The dealer makes an initial check for Black Jack and if it
occurred, the additional bet from player is not allowed (split or
double). This protects players from a bigger loss.
BlackJack may only be played with CASH.
To play keno:
• Start YES BINGO (double-click the YES BINGO icon on your desktop).
• n the Player Log-on screen, type your nickname and password, and click PLAY to log on. See Player Log On
If you are running YES BINGO for the first time, See How to Register.
If you've never played Keno before, just pick your luckiest numbers or click the QUICK PICK BUTTON and watch the board as the numbers are called. Each number called will be
highlighted in RED, (your numbers turn RED if called), so watch for your numbers to 'HIT' and WIN!
Select from 2 to 10 numbers or click "Quick Pick"! You may play from 1 to 10 games with your selected numbers!
Min Bet is 25p! Max Bet is £1!
The program will pick from 2 to 10 numbers for you, if you like.
Just chose QUICK PICK. You can change the number of numbers Quick Picked
by using the arrows beside the QUICK PICK BUTTON.

To play from 1 to 999 games click Keno Auto Play. You may
set the Number of games from 1 to 999, Delay between games, Stop if win
over a specified amount, Stop if Credits go over a
specified amount and Stop if Credits get under a specified amount.
After you have set your Auto Keno Preferences, click START to start Auto Keno or Click CANCEL to return to the game.

The 20 balls will be called from 1 to 80. Watch to see how many
of your numbers come out in the 20 Keno balls called. You must have 2
or more to win.
The payouts depend on how many keno numbers you are playing and
the amount of your bet. To change the amount of your Keno bet, click the
arrows at the left of the Keno screen up or down. As you
click on numbers the payouts show on the right side of the Keno
You may play from 2 to 10 numbers. Playing more numbers does not
increase the price of the keno game. Each Keno game may be played for 2
to 10 numbers for the same price.
Clicking on Play 5 will play 5 Keno games in a row and thus increase your bet times 5.
Clicking on Play 10 will play 10 Keno games in a row and thus increase your bet times 10.
For example:
2 to 10 numbers @ 25 pence x 1 game = 25 pence
2 to 10 numbers @ 25 pence x 5 games = £1.25
2 to 10 numbers @ 25 pence x 10 games = £2.50
To select a number click on it, to de-select a number click on it again.
Quick Pick can be used to choose from 2 to 10 numbers.
• Start YES BINGO (double-click the YES BINGO icon on your desktop).
• In the Player Log-on screen, type your nickname and password, and click PLAY to log on. If you are running YES BINGO for the first time, See How to Register
• Click the Video Poker button to display a list of all available types of video poker games, and choose the desired one.
• Select the desired video poker options:
• Choose the value of the coins you wish to wager by clicking the up or down arrow buttons to the left of the video poker machine.
• Click the Hands Count button as many times as needed to select the desired number of hands.
• Click Bet 1 to select the number of coins you wish to
wager. Each click on the Bet 1 button increases your bet by the value
of the coin you selected.
Optional Press Max Bet to wager the maximum amount possible, and deal the cards automatically.
• Click Deal to receive your cards after you have placed your bets.
• Choose which cards you wish to keep by clicking on the
desired card. Click on a selected card if you have changed your mind and
decided not to keep it. Note: Since the automatic hold
option is enabled for the YES BINGO video poker games, the
program automatically holds the appropriate cards for you.
• Click Deal to replace the cards that you did not
choose to hold. The program compares the resulting combinations of cards
to the winning combinations from the Pay Table, and
displays your winning hands in the area to the right of your
cards. The sum of the coins, paid for all winning hands, is shown in the
Win field.
• You may play video poker games with bingo bonus bucks.
• If you get disconnected from the Internet in the middle of a
game, re-establish your Internet connection and log back into the YES BINGO. You will be automatically directed to the
game that was interrupted so you can continue playing,
regardless of the time it took you to reconnect.
The video poker games are accessible through the Video Poker button in the upper right corner of the playing window. Clicking the button displays a list of all available poker games
that you can play. These are Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, and Joker Poker. The four poker variations have the same buttons, as follows:
Coin Value allows you to choose the value of the coin
you wish to wager each round. It is fixed for every game and ranges
between a pence and one pound. See How to Change the Coin
Bet 1 or Max Bet allow you to select the number of coins you wish to wager per hand. Each click on the Bet 1 button increases your bet with one coin per hand. You can
bet one to five coins per hand. Pressing Max Bet will increase your bet to the maximum amount possible, that is, five coins per each hand, and deal the cards automatically.
Hands Count allows you to select the number of hands that you want to play. You can play up to ten hands. Each click on the Hands Count button increases the number of the hands
with three.
Click Deal to receive your cards after you have placed
your bets. Clicking this button once again deals your cards and replaces
the remaining cards after you have selected which cards
to hold.
Bet indicates the total amount of your bet. The value in
the Bet field is equal to the number of hands you play, multiplied by
the number of coins you wager per hand.
Win shows the total amount you have won from the game.
Pay Table displays a table of winning poker hands in
order of rank. You can refer to the pay table when deciding which cards
to hold to make sure that the cards you've decided to keep
will most probably make a winning hand. Since the automatic hold
option is enabled for the YES BINGO video poker games, the program
automatically holds the cards for you.
The area to the right of your cards displays the winning
combinations and their number. If the number of your winning hands
exceeds four, two arrow buttons will appear, allowing you to move
through your winnings.
Game ID shows the identification number of the current
game. Clicking on the game ID copies the identification number of the
game to the Clipboard. Please, paste this number in the
e-mails you are sending to customer support when you have problems
with a certain game, so that they will be able to help you.
Note: Every time you choose to play one of the four types of
video poker games, YES BINGO will apply the options you selected
when you last played this type of game.
We offer four kinds of video poker games. The differences are
in the winning tables (in different games, different winning amounts are
offered for different combinations), and in the
presence or absence of a wild card.
JACKS OR BETTER - The lowest (or least valuable) standard
poker hand that will payout in this game is Jacks or Better, a hand
containing at least a pair of Jacks or more valuable cards.
Jacks or Better has no wild cards.
DEUCES WILD - In this video poker game all deuces are wild cards. These cards can be used as any card. The wild card, for example, can be the missing card
to complete a straight or the fifth heart in a heart flush. Because of the wild card the minimum rank for a winning hand is 3 of a kind.
BONUS POKER - This video poker game is played the same as
Jacks or Better. The only difference is that BONUS POKER pays more on 4
Aces, and 4 2's, 3's and 4's.
JOKER POKER - In this video poker game all jokers are wild cards.
Winnings are displayed in a table similar to the one shown above:
Royal Flush: The five highest cards in a suit- ace, king, queen, jack, and ten, all of the same suit.
Straight Flush: Any five cards of the same suit that are in
consecutive order (for example, 4 of spades, 5 of spades, 6 of spades, 7
of spades and 8 of spades).
4 of a Kind: Four cards of the same kind (for example, four kings).
Full House: Any three cards of the same suit, in addition to any pair of a different denomination (for example, two aces and three 7-s).
Flush: Any five non-consecutive cards of the same suit (
for example, 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts, 10 of hearts, queen of hearts and
ace of hearts).
Straight: Any five consecutive cards of a different suit.
In this case, the ace can count as a one or an ace (for example, ace,
two, three, four, five).
3 of a Kind: Three cards of the same denomination (for example, ace, ace, ace).
Two pairs: Any two cards of the same denomination in
addition to another Two cards of the same denomination of another suit.
(for example, two, two, and jack, jack).
Jacks or Better: A pair of jacks or of higher cards.
See How to Play Video Poker.

All pull tabs games are accessible through the drop-down menu
that opens by clicking the Pull Tabs button on the left side of the
playing window.
• Start YES BINGO (double-click the YES BINGO icon on your desktop).
• In the Player Log-on screen, type your nickname and password, and click PLAY to log on. See Player Log On
If you are running YES BINGO for the first time, See How to Start/Register
• Click the PULL TABS button to display a list of all available types of PULL TABS games.
• You will see only 3 of the PULL TABS Games at a time. To access the rest of the PULL TABS click the arrow at the top right
of the BUY on last PULL TAB Game on the right.
• To Change the number of times to play Click the arrow next
to the Buy 1 Button, up or down to buy up to 9 Pull Tabs at a time.
Click BUY to start playing. To STOP playing at any time,
click on the STOP button. The Pull Tabs will automatically be
pulled for you. When you have finished playing, click CLOSE. A winning
pull tab will have 3 winning images alike. When you have
won, Music will play and the winning ROW will flash and show you
the amount of the prize you have won. Your prize will be automatically
added to your credits.

To play the YES BINGO slots:
• Start YES BINGO (double-click the YES BINGO icon on your desktop).
• In the Player Log-on screen, type your nickname and password, and click PLAY to log on. See Player Log On
• If you are running YES BINGO for the first time, See How to Start/Register
• How to Play Slots:
Choose SLOTS from the drop-down menu that opens by clicking the tab at the upper right corner of the screen that says “Change Games”.
1. Choose how much you wish to bet per line by clicking on the
plus or minus on either side of the window above the “Spin” button.
2. Choose how many lines you wish to play by clicking on the
“select line” button. If you choose “max bet” you will play all lines
for the price you have
3. The “Bet” window shows you how much EACH spin will cost.
4. Auto play allows you to set the slots to spin up to 9
times. You may also set a delay of up to 3 seconds between spins. Set
auto play for the Bonus Game or set your spins to stop
after you win a Jackpot, if you win a certain amount*, if your
credits go over a certain amount* or if your credits get under a certain
amount*. (*You specify the amounts)
The Pay Table for each slots game is located in the top right hand corner of the slots window.
The amount wagered is not deducted from your account until you
spin the reels. If you exit the game before pressing the SPIN button,
you will not lose any credits.
When the reels start spinning, the selected lines disappear.
After the reels stop spinning you can see the results. If a line that
you selected has a winning combination of symbols, each
symbol of the line is bordered by a color square. The LINE PAID
field below the slot reels displays the amount of the coins paid for
that line. If you play more than one line, you can
have more than one winning line. If this is the case, the winning
lines are shown one after the other. The sum of the coins, paid for all
winning lines, is shown in the PAID field. Line
wins are multiplied by COINS per line bet.
• You may play slot games with bingo bonus bucks.
• If you get disconnected from the Internet in the middle of a
game, re-establish your Internet connection and log back into the YES BINGO. You will be automatically directed to the
game that was interrupted so you can continue playing,
regardless of the time it took you to reconnect.
All lines pay left to right and right to left.
To win the Progressive JP get 3
on MAX Bet playing 25 pence coins.

anywhere wins 5 FREE DOUBLED SPINS.
Click on START FREE SPINS to get your free spins.


AUTO PLAY allows you to set the slots to spin up to 999
times. You may also set a delay of up to 3 seconds between spins. Set
auto play for the Bonus Game or set your spins to stop after
you win a Jackpot, if you win a certain amount*, if your credits
go over a certain amount* or if your credits get under a certain
amount*. (*You specify the amounts). Click on START to
start Auto play selections or click CANCEL to cancel all changes you made.
You may STOP Auto play at any time by clicking on the STOP
Button. Auto Play the Bonus Game will only SPIN the wheel for you, it
till not double your bet. After spinning the wheel and
collecting your bonus win, it will return to spinning the slots.
This button allows you to change the number of line you wish to
play. Each line is with a different color. You can select lines only in
the order set by the game. The more lines you play, the
better are your chances of winning.
This option sets your slots to play 1 coin per line chosen.
This option sets your slots to bet the maximum number of coins and lines.
Click on SPIN to start your slots spinning.
BET field
Indicates the total amount of your bet, that is, total amount of
the coins you have placed on each line. Your bet does not change
throughout all games unless you change it.
Shows you how much each winning line paid.
WIN field
The WIN Field shows you your total winnings for all lines paid.
The value of the coins with which you are playing is shown in the
box on the right side of the reels. The coin value may be scrolled with
the arrows on either side of the box.
Shows the current amount of your credits. Credits are the same for
bingo and slot games. They are updated after every spin. The cash value
of your bet is subtracted from your credits and the
cash value of your winnings is added to your credits. The cash
value is calculated the following way: the number of the coins you have
won is multiplied by the value of the coins.
The PAY TABLE shows the Payout rate for every winning combination
of symbols on the slots. The combinations are arranged in descending
order from the highest paying to the lowest paying.

The jackpot winning combination is different for each slot game.
You hit the jackpot if you have the combination indicated in the pay
table. The jackpot is progressive and one and the same for
all players. It could be won by only one person in a game. When
the jackpot is hit, a minimum new jackpot is established and the
progressive process starts from the beginning.
Note: If you get disconnected from the Internet in the middle of a
bonus game, the program automatically re-establishes the Internet
connection, logs back into your BINGO account, and directs
you to the game that was interrupted so you can continue playing.
If the program fails to reconnect in a few minutes, it generates an
error message. If such a situation occurs, please, wait for
a while, and then try to reconnect.
The odds of winning the Games depend upon the number of Players
participating. All determinations with respect to the Games and these
Official Rules are the sole discretion of the
A list of Game winners may be obtained by e-mail request to
Welcome to Yes Bingo. This Help section explains all features of Yes Bingo including DEPOSITING AND WITHDRAWING and gives you some hints about playing. Many of the questions that you might have are answered here; be sure to check the Help section before contacting customer support.
Please read the Terms and Conditions for Yes Bingo before starting to play. Some jurisdictions don't permit online play.
How To Register
If you are new to Yes Bingo, follow these steps.
1. Click 'Join Now' link at the top of this page to navigate to the player registration form.
2. Enter your name and complete address. This information is private and will not be shared outside the company. This information must be accurate in order for you to receive any payments. Type your nickname and password. You can choose any nickname and password that you would like to use. If that nickname is already used, you must choose a different name. This name and password is for your protection and you should not tell anyone unless you want them to use your game credits.
3. Click 'OK' when ready. You are now logged in to your account and can access the Members Area.
4. Click the 'Deposit' button. Your browser jumps to a secure web page with all the funding options currently available to purchase game credits. Requesting credits can take several minutes so please be patient.
5. Click on 'Lobby' to return to the Member Area where you will find the Bingo Halls with games currently in session, as well as all of the Slots, Casino and Instant games we offer.
6. Click on the Bingo Hall you wish to enter (a new window will open). When the current game finishes press the 'Buy Cards' button, select the number of cards to play and click 'OK'. The screen will show the pattern, cost of buying cards, and other information. The credits will automatically be deducted from your account before each game. If you get a Bingo, the credits will automatically be added to your account before the next game.
Good Luck!
Yes Bingo Account
All Yes Bingo players must register before they can begin playing. In order to register, click on the ‘Join Now’ button located on the home page. This brings you to the Player Details page. Here you must create a unique nickname and a password. This is needed to verify your identity when you collect your winnings.
You must use your real name and accurate contact information in the fields on this screen. Please note that most of the fields are mandatory. You must enter all necessary data to save the account. Please enter your e-mail address in the format name@server.domain. This information will not be used for any purpose other than verification of prize awards and it is strictly confidential. We will NEVER share your information.
Nickname and Password
For security purposes, the nickname will be displayed but your password is not shown.
When you are creating a new account, type your nickname and password in fields provided, and then type the password a second time in the 'Retype Password' box (the password is displayed as asterisks). Your nickname and password cannot be blank or special characters. The nickname must be unique. Yes Bingo does not allow two players to have the same nickname. If the nickname you have selected has been registered by another player, the program will prompt you to select another nickname. Since the database of players is large, and is constantly expanding, you may have to try several times before you find a unique nickname.
Password Advice
• Passwords must be different to your player name, surname or username.
• Passwords must be at least seven characters long and must include a capital letter, a number and a punctuation mark.
• Passwords should not be written down to avoid someone else taking over your account.
• Passwords should not be obvious.
• If you forget your password, simply click the 'Forgot Password?' button at the login screen and you will be able to request a new password automatically.
When you are editing your account, you can change your nickname and password or if you are concerned that someone might be using your account, you can change your nickname and/or password with this option.
To change the nickname, simply retype it in the box.
To change the password:
1. Select Change Password.
2. Type your old password in the 'Password' box.
3. Type the new one in the 'New Password' box.
4. Type the new password in the 'Retype Password' box.
5. Click 'OK'.
You can change your account information whenever you need to. Typing your password is needed only when changing the old password with a new one.
Playing Yes Bingo is very easy.
1. Log into your account by entering your nickname and password in the dialogue boxes found on the Yes Bingo home page.
2. From the Lobby page of the Member Area, click on the Bingo Hall you wish to enter (a new window will open). The credits will automatically be deducted from your account before each game. If you get a Bingo, the credits will automatically be added to your account before the next game. First time players must register as a new player.
3. When the current game finishes press the 'Buy Cards' button, select the number of cards to play and click 'OK'. The screen will show the pattern, cost of buying cards, and other information. While waiting, you can review the ads, modify your account and credit data, or change the game options. When the game finishes you will see your selected Bingo cards on the game window, and the buttons 'Play' and 'Pass' become available.
4. To set the game to play automatically, click the 'AUTO OFF' button located to the left of the 'Buy Cards' button. A dialogue box will open with Auto Bingo and Auto Daub selected by default. Tick off the 'AUTO BUY' option and select the number of cards you wish to play next to the corresponding card value using the up and down arrows provided. Card values not listed can be added using the 'ADD' button. Set the remaining options available, as desired, and click 'APPLY' to activate.
5. Use the 'Option' Button, to select dauber shape and color, and to select which sounds to include with volume level controls.
6. Between games you may change all of your cards by clicking the 'Replace Cards' button in lower right hand corner of screen. You may change some but not all cards by clicking on the individual cards you wish to replace, and then clicking the 'Replace Cards' button.
7. The game will automatically track your cards for you and will always display your best card first. As your cards get close to obtaining the specified pattern for the game, the border will change color until you or some other player gets a Bingo, which the system will register automatically.
Auto Play/Scheduling

You can set your game to play bingo automatically using the 'auto play' option, or schedule games up to a week in advance with no need to log in to your account using 'Schedule'.
To use Auto Play you must remain logged in to your account with the Bingo Hall window open.
1. Click the 'Auto Off' button to the left of the 'Buy Cards' button, directly above the cards, the Auto Play window will open.
2. Auto Bingo and Auto Daub are checked off by default. Check off 'Auto Buy' as well.
3. Select the number of cards to play next to the card value(s) desired.
4. If the desired card value is not present, simply click 'ADD' to add the value to the list.
5. Select remaining options available, if desired, and then click 'APPLY' at bottom.
6. The game will auto play for as long as you have set it for, or as long as you remain connected to game server. Any interruption in your connection will terminate the auto play function and will require resetting it.
Scheduling games is possible in order to book games days in advance or as an alternative to the auto play feature. Using the schedule feature will ensure you are in the games you wish to play, whether logged into the server or not. An interruption in your connection will not affect scheduled games.
1. Click the 'Schedule' button to the left of the 'Buy Cards' button or select 'Schedule' from menu on Lobby page.
2. The Schedule will open in your browser window.
3. Select the desired day of the games you wish to book using the calendar.
4. Games available for scheduling are indicated by a 'BOOK' button, click on the desired button to select the game you wish to book.
5. Select all games or desired number of games to book, enter number of cards next to 'Cards count' (remember 3 card minimum).
6. Click 'Book Now'.
• A new game begins every 3 to 5 minutes.
• A new ball is called every 7 to 10 seconds. The speed with which Yes Bingo draws the balls is constant; however you may experience intermittent delays due to your internet connection.
• You select the number of cards to play using the 'Buy Cards' button.
• The system will automatically register a valid bingo for you. If your connection to the game is interrupted, the system will continue to monitor your cards and register a valid bingo win should you get it.
• Each game has its own pattern for the bingo. Only the pattern shown in the top area of the playing window for each game will be a valid bingo.
• It is possible to have multiple cards with a bingo. In the case of multiple winners, each card with bingo is awarded a share of the prize.
• Only ONE account allowed per person. Creating multiple accounts could result in all accounts being disabled.
Modes Of Play
The cards are ordered vertically in sets of threes. Arrows allow you to scroll up and down to look at or change the cards.
When the game begins, Yes Bingo automatically follows the balls for you and marks the drawn numbers in the cells of your cards; you cannot mark or clear numbers on the cards. The program automatically organizes your cards after every next ball is called. The card that is closest to winning bingo is placed on the first position of the first row. The second-closest card is on the second position, and so on. Use the numbers of the cards and the 'Cards' area to the right to track the changes.
Yes Bingo also tells you when you have bingo. The border of the winning card becomes red. The system will automatically register your bingo for you.
The number of cards with which you play is set using the 'Buy Card' button. To change the default value of the number of cards to play, change the amount of cards within the Auto Play feature corresponding to the card value desired.
The Yes Bingo playing window is divided into several areas. Each area displays certain information about the game or provides access to other features.
Bingo Pattern

The area in the top right section of the playing window displays the pattern for the current game. The bingo pattern displays the winning combination of boxes that you need to mark on one or more of your cards in order to have a bingo and win the prize. Patterns change from game to game - two successive games may or may not have the same pattern. The pattern shown during a game is valid only for that game. Yes Bingo uses two types of patterns: static and moving.
STATIC. In the static pattern, the configuration of filled boxes does not change within a game. You must mark a winning card with exactly this pattern. There is only one combination that works.
MOVING. A moving pattern is one whose configuration changes more than once within a single game. Marking any of the appearing configurations qualifies a winning card. For example, if the moving pattern is a horizontal line, you can claim bingo when you have any of the rows, in any of the cards.
Balls in Play
The area to the left of the bingo pattern shows all bingo balls that are in play in the game on the number board; that is, all the numbers drawn so far. When a number is called, it will blink on the number board and continue to blink until the next number is called. Every ball, when called, appears first in the Current Ball area and in the list of the 'Last Balls Called'.
The 75 Ball Bingo number board area has five rows, and each row is headed by a letter from the word BINGO. The numbers show up in the rows as follows:
B - 1 to 15
I - 16 to 30
N - 31 to 45
G - 46 to 60
O - 61 to 75
Current Game Prize
The game screen displays the value for both the prize and the jackpot for the current game. The prize for each game is either set or has a minimum value. For games with a minimum prize, for any amount it should go over the minimum, the prize is calculated based on the number of cards registered for the game; the more people playing, the larger the prize tends to be. The jackpot usually increases gradually with every game until someone wins it; then the jackpot is restarted at a minimum value. The prize and the jackpot shown here are valid only for the current game.
Game Info

The upper right area, the 'Balls in Play', and the 'Last Balls' area show statistical information about the current game. The Game Info area has the following elements.
• 'Total Cards' shows the number of cards registered for the game..
• 'Card Price' displays the price of one card.
• 'Total Price' is the total value that you paid for the cards you are playing in the current game. This amount is equal to the card price multiplied by the number of cards registered for the game.
• 'Players' displays the number of all players signed up for the current game.
• 'Jackpot' displays the current jackpot offered on that game.
• 'Balls to JP' shows the number of balls remaining to winning the jackpot. The number gets smaller as every next ball is called. No one can win the jackpot in the current game when the number becomes zero.
• 'Prize' displays the current prize for the game in play.
• 'Balls' displays the number of balls that have been called. The number gets larger with every ball called.
The game screen displays your credits in the currency you selected upon registration. The Credits are one and the same for both Yes Bingo and Yes Bingo Slot. With the beginning of every new game, your credits are reduced by the price of the game. When you win a bingo, your credits are increased by the amount you have won. If the number of your credits is smaller than the price of an upcoming game, for instance, you have £0.50, and the game price is £1.00, you will not be allowed to play. To add more credits, go to the credits page, by clicking the 'Cashier' button, and follow the onscreen instructions.
Last Balls
The board appears in the center of the playing window and to the left of that, the last five drawn numbers are shown in the order in which they were called.
Every ball shows two things:
1. The number that is drawn and
2. The column to which that number belongs.
The 5 most recent balls drawn are shown to the left of the board. When the game begins and the first ball is drawn it appears.. A second ball is drawn and takes the place of the number drawn before that , which is moved 1 space over to the right. This applies to the first five balls. Every newly drawn ball takes the position of the ball preceding it. When all five positions are taken, as a new ball is drawn, the first position is taken by the ball on the second position, and the first ball disappears. In the example here, five balls were drawn in the order: 65 - 73 - 45 - 66. The Last Balls area is empty between two games.
Your Cards
When you log in during a game, the 'Cards' area displays the message 'Game in Progress'. It means that you have to wait until that game is over before you can start playing.
Your cards for the game appear on the game screen. The cards are shown before the game begins so that you can change them if you like and register them for the game. All cards are generated randomly by the server. Each player receives a number of new cards every time they log on any client in Yes Bingo. The cards stay the same for all games that follow unless the player decides to change them. Cards can be changed all at once or individually. To replace individual cards select the card(s) and click 'Replace Cards'.
The number of cards for the game is defined by the player and varies from 3 to 100. It is preset on the Yes Bingo 'Options' dialog box and remains the same from game to game. You can change the number of cards before every game.
When playing with more cards than can be displayed on a single line, navigation arrows appear in the right end of the area. Use these arrows to scroll up and down to see all your cards. Our bingo card has three distinctive features: card number, numbered cells, and border. The card number identifies the bingo card uniquely. The card numbers help you distinguish among the cards in play and track the progress of every individual card.
Card numbers are especially useful when you play multiple cards in which the cards constantly change their positions.
In 75 Ball Bingo each card has five columns of five numbers each. The columns are headed by the letters from the word BINGO. Every column may contain only numbers from a limited set.
The "B" column, from 1 to 15;
the "I" column, from 16 to 30;
the "N" column, from 31 to 45;
the "G" column, from 46 to 60;
and the "O" column, from 61 to 75.
The center most cell of the card is labeled 'Free'; that is, it is given to you and can be used to claim bingo.
The border of the card is an indicator of how close you are to claiming bingo for that card. The color of the border displays the number of balls remaining to bingo. The possible colors are four:
Purple. You can win bingo in three balls'
Green. You can win bingo in two balls.
Yellow. You are very close, just one more ball.
Red. You have bingo.
The border becomes red when you have bingo and all you have to do is click the 'Bingo' button. Remember, you must press the 'Bingo' button to claim your prize. Clicking this button without a valid bingo can invalidate your play.
Alternate Cards View

The default card view shown is set for 3 cards. Just above the cards on the left are the 'Alternate Cards View' buttons. Here you may select either 12 cards or 24 cards to view at a time.
The area of the screen below and above your cards, you will find several buttons that give you access to various features. These buttons and their functions are explained below.
Opens the Yes Bingo cashier page in your browser. Click this button to add credits before playing, or to add credits if you have used them up while playing.
Click this button to purchase the cards for the next game. Be sure to click the 'Play' button several seconds before the announced start of the game. This gives the server enough time to accept your cards and include you in the game.
If you have pressed the 'Play' button but change your mind and decided not to take part in a game, click the 'Pass' button. When you click the button, the cards are not played and no credits will be taken from your account. You will not be in that game, and you won't play. If you click the button too late, however, there might not be enough time for the server to remove your cards from the game. This button becomes available for clicking only when you have pressed the 'Play' button.
Note: The buttons 'BUY CARDS' and 'PASS' are not active when the game is in progress other than selected games where late buy-ins are available.
Found between games, this button replaces all of your cards or the cards which you select individually to be replaced.
Allows you to select another dauber or turn some of the sounds on or off.
Opens the Yes Bingo Member Page to the Lobby.
Shows the Bingo Halls available with games currently in session. Just click on one of the halls to open in new window.
When you have won enough money, click this button to exit the Yes Bingo client.
Note: If you click this button while a game is running, you will exit the game and lose your cards. You will also lose the credits paid for the cards. No refunds are offered for intentional disconnects. Your cards will still be checked for a valid bingo at the end of the game even if you are disconnected.
Click to enter and chat with other players. You must be logged into the client in order to chat with other players.
Yes Bingo Options
The Yes Bingo Options allows you to choose a dauber color and shape, and turn the sounds on or off. These options are accessible from the 'Options' button on the menu in the playing window.
The dauber is the picture with which cells are marked on the cards. You can use any color or shape. To change the current dauber color click the dauber color that you like, to change the shape click the shape you would like and then click 'OK'.
You can select which sounds you want to hear while playing Yes Bingo.
• Music
Found under 'Options' on bingo hall window, this check box turns the music on or off and has a volume level control.
• Bingo Caller
Found under 'Options' on bingo hall window, this check box turns the bingo caller on or off, it has a choice of male or female caller and a volume level control.
• Slots Sounds
The slot sounds can be turned on or off separately and is located within the slot window itself. This check box, when selected, turns on the sounds, produced by the slot machine (you can hear the spinning of the reels, etc.); it turns them off, when clear.
• Mute
Found under 'Options' on bingo hall window. If this check box is selected all bingo game and music sounds will be muted.
• Chat Sounds
Found within the chat window, select this check box and you will be alerted of incoming messages not only visually, but audibly too.
Please note you can listen to the sounds only if your computer is provided with the necessary equipment (a sound card and headphones or loudspeakers). The sounds can be selected through check boxes.
Yes Bingo Slots
The slot machine occupies the bottom left half of the window. Yes Bingo 3-reel, 4-reel, 5-reel and 7-reel slots all open in this space. The remaining 10 slots as well as the Instant and Casino side games available open in a new window. The slot reels are set in an initial position. One payline, one coin per line are selected by default. Since the game is played on the Internet there can be some delay in setting up the initial screen.
This button allows you to change the number of coins you bet per line. You can place 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 coins per line. The number of coins is shown in a circle displayed at the butt of the arrow. The number you choose is valid for all lines you play. The more coins you play, the higher the payout will be.

This button allows you to select additional lines. You can play a maximum of seven lines. Each line is with a different color. You can select lines only in the order set by the game. You can choose among three straight and four criss-cross lines. Only the central line is selected initially. When you click once, you add the line that is over the central one. When you click twice, you add the line that is under it. The third click displays one of the criss-cross lines, and the fourth click adds the second line, which is again criss-cross, etc.
If you push this button, you will play seven lines with maximum coins each, which is the maximum you can bet. The reels start spinning automatically (there is no need to push the SPIN button). By clicking the 'Max Bet' you do two things simultaneously: you choose your bet and spin the reels.
This button starts the spinning of the slot machine’s reels. Press it AFTER you have chosen your lines and placed your bets. The more lines you play, the more chances you have to win. Use this button provided you have not pressed the 'Max Bet' button before that.
Coin value

The value of the coins with which you are playing is shown in the box next to the reels.
Bet field
This indicates the total amount of your bet, that is, the number of coins you have placed. Your bet does not change throughout all games unless you change it.
Paid field
The total amount of the paid coins from all winning lines is shown here.
Shows the current amount of your credits. Credits are the same for bingo and slot game. They are updated after every spin. The cash value of your bet is subtracted from your credits and the cash value of your winnings is added to your credits. The cash value is calculated the following way: the number of the coins you have won is multiplied by the value of the coins.
This shows the payout rate for every winning combination of symbols. The combinations are arranged in descending order from the highest paying to the lowest paying.
The jackpot winning combination might be different for the different games. You hit the jackpot if you have the combination indicated in the pay table. The jackpot is progressive and one and the same for all players. It can be won by only one person in a game. When the jackpot is hit, a minimum new jackpot is established and the progressive process starts from the beginning.
When the reels start spinning, the selected lines disappear. After the reels stop spinning you can see the results. If the lines that you selected have a winning combination of symbols, each symbol of the line will be bordered by a blinking square. An indicator appears beside the winning line, showing the amount of the coins paid for that line. If you play more than one line, you can have more than one winning line. If this is the case, the winning lines are shown one after the other.
Yes Bingo Main Features
• How To Register
• Yes Bingo Account
• Nickname and Password
• How to Play
• Auto Play/Scheduling
• Rules
• Modes Of Play
• Bingo Pattern
• Balls in Play
• Current Game Prize
• Game Info
• Credits
• Last Balls
• Your Cards
• Alternate Cards View
• Buttons
• Yes Bingo Options
• Sounds
• Yes Bingo Slot
• How to Play Slots
• Banking Options
• Bonus Terms and Conditions